Thursday, June 4, 2009

Marriage: A Beautiful and Tricky Thing

I will post on Tuesdays and Thursdays, by the way.

It's about: the trials, blessings, joys, tips, thoughts, stories, etc. of marriage. It's about fighting to keep marriage strong every day.

Marriage can be the greatest blessing we have in our lives, if we choose it. However, it takes a lot of hard work to make it so or to choose it to be a blessing.

Realistically speaking, all marriages go through ebbs and flows, ups and downs. How do we handle this?

Divorce is not a Band-aid. It does not fix it. Unless there's infidelity or abuse, there should be no divorce--ideally and biblically. However, divorce is NOT an unforgivable sin.

Love is a choice. It's a verb. It's also a description. It's several parts of speech. Love is what we choose to make it be and is as strong as we want to make it.

To provide hope for your marriage.

To share thoughts on marriage.

To offer tips.

I'm Divorced:
Having said the above comment, you need to know I am divorced. Maybe because I am divorced, and am married again, I see the value of putting that much more work into a marriage.

An Interactive Blog:
This is meant to be an interactive blog. Please add comments to each blog or send me an email to

Ask me questions.
Tell me stories.
Share your favorite quotes on marriage.
What are your thoughts?
Let me know, however, what I can post on my blog and what you want to keep private.

Prayer Requests:
Does your marriage need prayer? Of course it does. We all can use it. Comment on each blog or send and email as to your prayer requests. Again, tell me whether to post them on this blog or to keep them private.

Where is God in Your Marriage?
In this section, I will talk about the biblical perspective of marriage and what it means. How can we apply these things in a real way? How does the Bible work for us regarding marriage? What does it all mean?

Take care.

Stacy Duplease


David Lucero said...

I can't imagine what it would be like to not have my wife by my side. June 30 will be our 20th anniversary and I'm glad I was smart enough to understand it's okay to change because life consistently changes. If I were the same man today she knew 20 years ago, she'd have left me 19-1/2 years ago!
I wouldn't be the man I am today if it wasn't for Martha and my son Carlo. I'm very happy knowing I understand the importance of marriage. Your writing on Marriage really hits home.

David Lucero said...

I really liked this writing. As a married man of approaching 20 years I am glad I was smart enough to learn long ago that marriage is work and that if I didn't put my best foot forward I would lose everything -- and I mean everything! Marriage has given me the fulfillment and strength to move forward in life and succeed.

David Lucero, author of THE SANDMAN

Stacy Duplease said...


Happy Anniversary! That's huge!

Thank you for your comments about marriage.

You are absolutely right that as we change as individuals, our marriages change. The key is to make sure we change for the better. Sure, there are times our changes are for the negative, but through the realization of what happened, we can change back for the positive. That's part of being human. Change is inevitable.

I can hear in your words how much you adore your wife and son. That touches my heart.

Who would we be without our spouse and families, as you pointed out? (I shudder at the thought in my life of who I would be without them.)

Blessings to you and your family. I hope you enjoy and continue to comment.

Stacy Duplease of Stories by Stacy